“Methodology for determination of virtual sensors and meters for flexibility” is a deliverable of the iBECOME H2020 project focused on showcasing the work that has been achieved towards identifying and calculating appropriate flexibility metrics, required to inform implicit and explicit demand response services. First, this deliverable begins with an introduction to demand response services, defining what is meant by implicit and explicit demand response in the context of the iBECOME project, and their key characteristics.
Following this, a state-of-the-art literature review was carried out on international markets in order to identify opportunities for demand response participation and existing requirements for participation. Following the literature review, this document identifies the key metrics required to determine the suitability of a site to participate in demand response activities in most contexts. The metrics have been categorised into the following categories; Magnitude and Availability of potential response, Speed & Duration of Response, Reliability & Predictability, Controllability and Measurability.
Once the metrics were identified, they were each reviewed in order to determine if these were static or dynamic parameters and identified how these metrics may be quantified. As many of the metrics require calculation, a literature review was carried out on the effectiveness of calibrated models to produce accurate predictions for demand response services. Download full deliverable here